Study on physico-chemical properties and production Cost of milk shake blended with marking nut (Semecarpus anacardium) powder
Bhosale Shubham, Dr. Sandip S Ramod, Dr. Vijay B Kadav, Dr. Narendra N Prasade and Dr. Ranjit P Mahadik
In the present study the milk shake was prepared from cow milk by incorporation of marking nut powder and sugar at different levels viz. 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 percent marking nut powder and 8 and 10 percent sugar in different combinations. From the result of present investigation, it may be concluded that marking nut powder and sugar could be successfully utilized for preparation of milk shake. The most acceptable quality milk shake can be prepared by using 12.5 percent marking nut powder and 10 percent sugar (S2M3). The most acceptable quality milk shake (S2M3) contained on an average, 28.84 percent total solids, 6.16 percent fat, 5.25 percent protein, 15.25 percent total sugar and 0.194 percent Titratable acidity. The most optimum level found during research was subjected for microbial analysis. The microbial parameters were standard plate count, Coliform count and E- coli. The most optimum level was subjected to sensory evaluation also on 0, 5, 10, 15 days of storage. The results pertaining to microbial evaluation of most acceptable level of milk shake at various time intervals are presented. The studies on shelf life indicate that most acceptable level of milk shake remains in good edible condition up to ten days at refrigerated conditions.
How to cite this article:
Bhosale Shubham, Dr. Sandip S Ramod, Dr. Vijay B Kadav, Dr. Narendra N Prasade, Dr. Ranjit P Mahadik. Study on physico-chemical properties and production Cost of milk shake blended with marking nut (Semecarpus anacardium) powder. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(8):85-88.