Abstract:Evaluation of twenty-eight genotypes of sponge gourd for growth, yield and quality attributes was investigated by laying in two replications in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) the study was conducted during the year 2022-2023 at Regional Horticulture Research and Extension Centre (RHREC), Dharwad, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkote (Karnataka). Among the twenty eight Sponge gourd genotypes, genotype SPV-6 recorded highest in vine length at 90 ( 421.66 cm) DAT, Number of primary branches at 90 DAT (5.9), Fruit length (30.74 cm), Average fruit weight (171.60 g), Number of fruit per vine (20.30), Fruit yield per vine (3.49 kg), Fruit yield per plot (29.28 kg), Fruit yield per hectare (32.54 t/ha), Number of seeds per fruit (347.3), Test weight of 100 (14.83 g), Germination percentage (91.67%), Seedling length (39.86 cm) Seedling Vigour Index (3668) while showed desirable low in Node at which first male flower appears (4.5), Node at which first female flower appears (9.49), Days to first harvest (47.65), and lower Downy mildew incidence (18.03%). SPV-12 also displayed desirable low in Days to first male flower appears (23.48), Days to first female flower appears (34.92), Days to 50 per cent flowering (38.96) and a narrow Sex ratio (10.26). SPV-11 exhibited a wide Fruit diameter (40.68 mm). SPV-13 recorded a high Total soluble solid (4.20 ºBrix) and the low Fruit fly infestation (20.94%). Where in Bidar Local estimated high in Chlorophyll content (52.99 SPAD units) and Ascorbic acid (8.53 mg/100g). From the study the genotypes SPV-6, SPV-12, SPV-13, SPV-T8 and SPV-5 were recognized as promising and superior genotypes suitable for Northern Transition Zone of Karnataka. These genotypes could be further harness for breeding programme and recommended for commercial cultivation.