Estimation of heritability and genetic advance for grain yield and its metric characters in F1 generation of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Pankaj Kumar Singh, Lokendra Singh, Rajendra Kumar Yadav, Shweta and Chandramani Kuswaha
wheat is one of the most significant cereal crops. It is possible to trace the beginnings of wheat to Asia Minor. It occupies more than 17% of all arable land, is consumed by nearly 40% of the world’s population, and makes up roughly 32% of all cereal growing land. Over 4.5 billion people in developing countries rely on it to meet 21% of their protein needs. The experimental material for the present investigation comprised of 45 F1s developed by crossing 10 lines viz., DBW-187, HD-3249, K-1006, PBW-723, PBW-757, HD-3271, HD-3298, K-8434, K - 9107, KRL-350 by following half diallel mating design. The experimental materials consisted of 55 genotype (45 F1s + 10 Parents). The high heritability in broad sense was estimated for all the characters except for day to 50% heading, flag leaf area (cm2), number of leaves/main tiller, number of spikelets/ear and protein content (%) in F1 generation.. A high value of heritability suggests that it could be due to a higher contribution of genotypic components. The estimate of genetic advance in percentage over mean ranged from 0.16 (flag leaf area) to 39.18 (Grain yield / Plant (g)) in F1 generation. The high genetic advance in percent over mean was observed in, biological yield per plant, Grain yield / Plant (g)), productive tiller per plant and seed hardness.
How to cite this article:
Pankaj Kumar Singh, Lokendra Singh, Rajendra Kumar Yadav, Shweta, Chandramani Kuswaha. Estimation of heritability and genetic advance for grain yield and its metric characters in F1 generation of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pharma Innovation 2024;13(7):39-41.