Abstract:Non-scientific application of chemical fertilizers and harmful pesticides is not only causing barrenness to agriculture lands but also affecting the quality of the produce. Nowadays people are becoming more cautious about their health and about the journey of agri produce from farm to their plates. Therefore farmers are also taking interest in reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for harvesting residue free agro-produce. A study was designed to explore the feasibility of residue free cultivation of exotic vegetable broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var italica Plenck) for export market under protected conditions (glass house, polycarbonate and polyhouse). Higher curd weight was obtained in the crop cultivated under polyhouse (715.70+39.94 g) and glass house conditions (715.70+39.94 g) than polycarbonate (450.2+26.29 g) conditions. Further, the data revealed higher curd weight in the first harvest than the subsequent ones irrespective of protected structures used for the cultivation. Produce was analyzed for residues of agrochemicals and heavy metals as per norms of the European Union (EU). Similarly, soil and irrigation water being the important sources for residues in the agri-produce, were also analyzed. The results confirmed the produce free from the contaminants and meet or exceeded the import norms. Further, nutritional quality of produce was also confirmed through proximate analysis for energy, fat, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron contents. All the analyses were carried out at NABL accredited test facility recognized by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India-FSSAI, Export Inspection Council-EIC and Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority-APEDA. Further, cost benefit analysis computed based on sale in domestic market suggested the venture as a highly profitable with cost benefit ratio of 1:2.33. Apropos, the protected cultivation of broccoli is recommended for earning higher returns through sell of produce in domestic and international premium markets.