Effect of different nutrient management practices on yield, yield attributes nutrients content and economics in Bt. Cotton
Deepak Kochar, Dr. Devender Singh Jakhar and Dr. Dev Raj
A field experiment was conducted to study effect of different nutrient management practices on yield, yield attributed, nutrient content and economics in Bt. cotton. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with following treatments i.e. T1-Control, T2-RDF on soil test basis (N in three split doses at basal, 45 and 75 DAS), T3-RDN + Azotobacter, T4-75%RDN + Azotobacter, T5-75%RDN + Azotobacter + 3 foliar spray of 2.5% Urea, T6-75% RDN + 3 foliar spray of 2.5% Urea, T7-100% RDN in four split doses @sowing, 45, 75, 100 DAS and T8-75% RDN in four split doses @ sowing, 45, 75, 100 DAS + 3 foliar spray of 2.5% Urea. The treatment were replicated thrice in a net plot area of 6 m x 5 m. The result revealed that the plant population was not significantly affected with different nutrient management treatments. Application of 75% RDN + 3 foliar spray of 2.5% urea (T6) recorded highest seed cotton yield (2948.89 kg ha-1), boll weight (4.06 g), seed cotton yield per plant (200.33 g) and number of bolls per plant (49.67). Also, the highest (1.43, 0.17 and 1.96%) nutrient content in the plant was recorded in T6 and the lowest was in control. Also, the mean value of nutrient content were observed highest at square formation stage (2.97, 0.23 and 2.83%) and lowest at harvesting except potassium. Similarly, the highest net income of (Rs.68,214/ ha) and B: C (1.84) was obtained in T6 while it was lowest in control.
How to cite this article:
Deepak Kochar, Dr. Devender Singh Jakhar, Dr. Dev Raj. Effect of different nutrient management practices on yield, yield attributes nutrients content and economics in Bt. Cotton. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(6):100-105.