Abstract:Background: There are three major coronaviruses leading to disease outbreaks, beginning with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002, followed by the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012, on December 2019 reported the 1
st case of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) in china and on March 2020 the WHO announced it as pandemic worldwide. On 5 May 2023, WHO stated that ’COVID-19 is now an established and ongoing health issue which no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern’.
Goal: To identified the Health status of COVID-19 cases at health facilities from 1st March 2020 to 31 March 2023.
Methods: Descriptive statistics are used to present data confirmed by the epidemics section of Department of Public Health in Bagdad Alkarkh health directorate, the World Health Organization, and statistical unit of involved health facilities in the study. The data included all screened and infected COVID-19 cases. Analyzed data by Excel Word-10 and summarized as tables and graphs.
Results: Total screened case (1913962) which represented (57%) of all population of Bagdad Alkarkh (3373543), total confirmed cases (383111), (377855) recovered and (3184) dead, (54% male), age group (26-35 years) (25%), about (82%) of confirmed cases are mild to moderate treated at home while severe and critical case (15%) need hospitalization the rest (3%) treated on his responsibility, recovery ratio 99% and case fatality ratio 1%., (71%) of pop with at least take one dose and (31%) full vaccination.
Conclusion: COVID-19 does not discriminate between nationalities, sexes, or ages. It is important to not let fear lead to stigma toward friends, neighbors, or members of the community. Treat all people with compassion and speak up if you hear others making statements that cause stigma against people in your community.