Effect of herbicide on rice plant height under direct seeded rice conditions
Surakshitha Soma and Sai Kumar
An experiment was conducted at the College farm, College of Agriculture, during Kharif, 2022-2023 in order to assess selected varieties for biomass phenotypical observations and seed production during kharif. The study aimed to analyse the growth of the rice in terms of plant height, leaf. Plant behavioural trait of diminishing growth towards the end of the growing season was noted in all the varieties. An overview of the leaf area measured indicated that in all Entry#1 and Entry #2 leaf area increased at an increasing rate up to harvest, at a diminishing rate from 60 to 90 DAS, and thereafter decreased towards maturity. The number of leaves in crops increased up to 60 DAS and thereafter decreased as the crop reached maturity.
How to cite this article:
Surakshitha Soma, Sai Kumar. Effect of herbicide on rice plant height under direct seeded rice conditions. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(3):349-352.