Study on the anti-diabetic properties of functional foods: A review
Author(s): Saloni Haldua
Abstract: The number of diabetic populations is increasing with much higher rate than predicted by various research authorities from various countries. Such drastic peak in diabetic population observed could be to changing lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits of majority of population. Mortality rates concerning with diabetes mellitus are higher in low-income countries due to lack of medical care and infrastructure. Diabetes mellitus is more dangerous when it invites other related complications like organ damage, retina and kidney damage, cardiovascular diseases and lack in the efficiency of nervous system. Various medicines are available which can administer orally or intravenously. These medications are efficient in reducing blood glucose levels of the body but in the same time they send signals to nervous system to stop the production of insulin permanently over a period of time as insulin is available in enough amounts from external sources. People tend to become dependent over medications for life time. In recent times, awareness regarding the clinical benefits of natural foods have been observed among researchers in order to treat diseases like diabetes mellitus and numerous natural foods which are anti-diabetic in nature. These foods inhabit hypoglycaemic compounds which helps in reducing blood glucose levels and trigger the production of insulin naturally. This study focuses on nutritional aspects, in-vitro and in vivo studies conducted on pumpkin, flaxseeds and oats specifically, in order to prove their hypoglycaemic effect on human body. The exact mechanism and pathways behind this hypoglycaemic effect is difficult to establish, still few researches have predicted the most probable mechanism and pathways which have been discussed.
Saloni Haldua. Study on the anti-diabetic properties of functional foods: A review. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(3):268-285. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2024.v13.i3d.25560