To study the adoption rate of post-harvest management practices in banana cultivation
Ila Tiwari, Jaya Verma and Mithilesh Verma
To study the adoption rate of post-harvest management practices in banana cultivation in Barabanki District were carried out in the year 2018-19 by following the random sampling, 120 respondents were selected from the two blocks. Out of total respondents 52.5 percent of respondent were belong to joint family system. 55.8 percent of respondents were belong to Rs.1.5 lac to 0.3 lac annual income. Pre harvesting spraying practices was fully adopted of cultivators. 55.8 percent of farmers partially adopted Pre-harvest sprays. And 52.5 percent of farmers does not graded their fruits. while, 55.0 percent of farmers transport their fruits by other ways of transportation, These point out the need for increased research and extension services as well as improvement in postharvest handling (transportation, storage, packaging and ripening) and marketing infrastructure and facilities. Small fruits, sun burn, harvesting injury and cracks and cankers at farm level; physiological dryness, physical damaged fruits and over ripened fruit at retailer’s level were the major causes responsible for post- harvest losses in banana. Over ripening loss at wholesale.
How to cite this article:
Ila Tiwari, Jaya Verma, Mithilesh Verma. To study the adoption rate of post-harvest management practices in banana cultivation. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(3):265-267.