Abstract:The present study entitled “Economic analysis of rabi tomato in Akola District” was undertaken to examine the economic analysis of rabi tomato in Akola district for the year 2022-2023. The present study was based on primary data. For the study, 40 vegetable growers were selected from Barshitakali, Patur and Balapur tahsils of Akola district. The price spread is the difference between consumer’s price and net price received by the producer. The price spread was observed highest in channel- II (Producer- Village trader- Wholesaler-Retailer- Consumer). For tomato it was Rs. 688.47. Producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was highest in channel I for tomato 90.18 respectively.
The major constraints faced by tomato growers in production high cost of fertilizers and other inputs, high wage rate, infestation of insect and pest, lack of financial facility, poor source of irrigation, non-availability of storage facility and high cost of pesticide. And in marketing, major constraints faced by tomato growers were delay in sale and payments, high transportation charges, high commission charges and involvement of large number of intermediaries.