In vitro studies on sterilization of clonal cherry rootstock “GiSelA 5” (Prunus avium x Prunus cerasus L.)
Bisma Gulzar, Ikra Manzoor, MA Mir, Syed Zainab Kashani, Bismat Un Nisa, AH Pandit and KM Bhat
‘GiSelA 5’ rootstock of cherry is an outcome of (Prunus cerasus x Prunus canescens L.). It bears prominent features like great cold resistance, tolerance to a modest quantity of virus, and resistance to bacterial canker. This study optimizes a reliable protocol for in vitro sterilization for propagation of ‘GiSelA 5’ clonal rootstock of cherry.In this experiment, five separate sterilisation procedures viz., 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) for five minutes (S1), 10% mercuric chloride (HgCl2) for ten minutes (S2), 70% ethyl alcohol for ten seconds (S3), (S4) : (S1) + (S3) and S5: (S2) + (S3) were followed. The results depicted that maximum culture asepsis (%) was found in shoot tips (E1) sterilized with (S4) regime while explant survival (%) was obtained with (S1) regime in shoot tips (E1). This study yields valuable insights into a dependable and effective method for sterilization for producing high-quality plant material for commercial plantations of cherry.
How to cite this article:
Bisma Gulzar, Ikra Manzoor, MA Mir, Syed Zainab Kashani, Bismat Un Nisa, AH Pandit, KM Bhat. In vitro studies on sterilization of clonal cherry rootstock “GiSelA 5” (Prunus avium x Prunus cerasus L.). Pharma Innovation 2024;13(3):161-164.