Abstract:Custard apple is one of the most favorite’s dry land of Chhattisgarh fruit crop, because it is hardy in nature and drought tolerant. The lack of acceptable and improved cultivars is a significant barrier to increasing area productivity. On the basis of observation 2022-23, the highest tree height BCA-5 (7.20 m) and lowest tree height Madhur (check) (3.40 m), trunk girth (cm) maximum (60.10 cm) and minimum trunk girth Madhur (check) (31.5 cm), canopy-spread (m) “North-South Spread” BCA-14 had the minimum plant spread (3.0 m) and maximum BCA-15 (4.7 m) and “East-West Spread” BCA-8 showed the maximum canopy spread (5.0 m) where as the minimum canopy spread BCA-2 and BCA-3 showed similar result (3.40 m), data regarding of showed maximum number of fruit per tree Madhur (check) (88), minimum number of fruits per plant found in the genotype BCA-3 (46), the highest yield (kg/plant) was reported in the genotype Madhur (check) (24.37 kg/plant) followed by BCA-8 (22.27 kg/plant), BCA-4 (18.96 kg/plant), BCA-7 (18.62 kg/plant) and BCA-5 (18.17 kg/plant) whereas, lowest yield (kg/plant) was found in the genotype BCA-2 (8.56 kg/plant), maximum length of leaf was recorded in genotype BCA-3 (13.6 cm), the minimum length of leaf was recorded in genotype Madhur (check Cv.) (11.20 cm), maximum breadth of leaf was recorded in genotype BCA-15 (5.6 cm), whereas the minimum breadth of leaf was recorded in genotype BCA-2 (3.5 cm), maximum fruit length was recorded in genotype Madhur (check) (8.90 cm per fruit), whereas minimum fruit length was recorded in BCA-1 (4.30 cm/fruit), maximum breadth of fruit observed in Madhur (check) (8.46 cm/fruit), whereas minimum breadth of fruit was recorded in BCA-2 (4.67 cm/fruit).
Among 16 custard apple genotypes collected from Bastar District, were Madhur (check) is a cultivated variety and its production is more, but BCA-8, BCA-7, BCA-5 and BCA-4 are natural genotypes of custard apple but their production competes with Madhur (check) and we can increase production by adopting modified agronomical and horticultural practices.
BCA-8, BCA-7, BCA-5 and BCA-4 are the four superior custard apple genotypes, which we can use for future breeding program to created new varieties.