Study of microbial changes in albumen during storage of salted white leghorn eggs
Santosh Marandi
A study was conducted on microbial changes during storage in albumen of salted chicken eggs. A total of 320 white leghorn eggs were divided into four groups (salted eggs at room temperature, control eggs at room temperature, salted eggs at refrigeration temperature and control eggs at refrigeration temperature). 20 eggs from each group were subjected to microbial study (total plate counts, anaerobic counts, staphylococcal counts, yeast and moulds counts and coliform count) at 0, 5th, 7th and 10th day of storage. During storages of eggs at room and refrigeration temperature the counts of total plate, anaerobic, staphylococcal and yeast and moulds in treated groups remain lower as compared to the control group. Additionally, a significant (p≤0.01) increase in microbial counts was observed as the storage period advanced. However, No colifom counts was observed in the albumen in any sample at any stage of the storage period. It could be inferred that salted eggs were microbiologically safer than the normal control eggs during the period of study.
How to cite this article:
Santosh Marandi. Study of microbial changes in albumen during storage of salted white leghorn eggs. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(3):96-98.