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Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2024)

Performance of physiological parameters in response to photothermal sensitivity of rabi sorghum parental lines and hybrids

Dr. VH Borkar and LN Dongarwar
The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications during rabi 2013-14 at All India Co-Ordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (M.S.). Seven sowing dates (E1-15th August, E2-15 September, E3-15 October, E4-15 November, E5-15 December, E6- 15 January and E7- 15 February) were assigned to main plot and 16 parental lines with four male sterile and their maintainers viz., 104A and B, 185A and B, RMS2010-24A and B, RMS20120-10A and B. and four restorer viz., SPV1830, RSV1130, RSV1098 and BJV116 and their four respective hybrids 104A x SPV1830, 185A x RSV1130, RMS2010-24A x RSV1098 and RMS2010-10A x BJV116 were assigned to sub plot treatment. The observations on physiology were recorded during 50% flowering. The data on grain yield and yield contributing characters were recorded at harvest. The physiological parameters viz., photosynthetic rate, Canopy temperature depression CTD, leaf thickness, SPAD chlorophyll value, transpiration rate, PAR and stomatal conductance were higher in the month of October sowing date. The hybrid RMS2010-10AXBJV116 recorded highest leaf thickness and hybrid 104AXSPV1830 recorded the highest photosynthetic rate, CTD, SPAD value, transpiration rate, PAR and stomatal conductance. The results of various physiological parameters indicated their positive correlation with grain yield and other yield contributing characters.
Pages: 285-293  |  294 Views  128 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Dr. VH Borkar, LN Dongarwar. Performance of physiological parameters in response to photothermal sensitivity of rabi sorghum parental lines and hybrids. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):285-293.

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