Assessment of genetic parameters in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) RIL population for PBND screening
Shweta VP, Rajanna B, Lokesh GY, Shivakumar and Sreedevi S Chavan
A population consisting of 260 RILs derived from the cross JL24 × NRCGS-86 (F10 – F11 generation) was utilized for the study. The population was subjected to variability studies for pod yield, yield attributing traits and disease resistance (PBND and LLS at 60, 75, 90 and 105 days after sowing) in Kharif 2022. In RIL population, the analysis of variance indicated significant variation for all the yield traits and diseases, but the variation was found to be less for sound mature kernels and oil content. Moderate to high GCV and PCV with moderate to high heritability coupled with moderate to high GAM for pod yield component traits in RILs were observed but matured pods per plant and pod yield per plant showed high magnitudes of variability, indicating that selection based on these observations yields superior genotypes. Similar results were seen for PBND incidence, PDI at 60 DAS, 75 DAS, 90 DAS and 105 DAS. So, selection is rewarding for disease resistance. Moreover, these indices showcased a relatively higher level of heritability and genetic gain, thus indicating a plausible avenue for enhancing resistance.
How to cite this article:
Shweta VP, Rajanna B, Lokesh GY, Shivakumar, Sreedevi S Chavan. Assessment of genetic parameters in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) RIL population for PBND screening. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):184-188.