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Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2024)

Biological evaluation of developed supplement feed (DSF) for egg quality parameters in LIT (Himsamridhi) birds

Sunidhi Chauhan, Shivani Katoch, Varun Sankhyan, Krishnender dinesh, Arun Sharma and Daisy Rani
The present study was conducted to analyse the effect of feeding diets containing different levels of Developed Supplement Feed (DSF) on egg quality and egg production traits in Low Input Technology (LIT) bird viz. Him-Samridhi (HS) under Confined Scavenging (CS) system of rearing. A total of 72 HS birds (23 weeks of age) were randomly divided into 3 dietary treatments with 24-layer birds in each treatment groups. Dietary treatments were T0 (control) group fed on basal diet only, while the other two groups (T1 & T2) were fed basal diet supplemented with 10 g and 20 g/bird DSF respectively, for a period of 42 weeks. External egg quality parameters, internal egg quality parameters, egg yolk and albumin mineral profile and egg production traits were recorded using standard methods. Results showed that external egg quality traits as well as internal egg quality traits did not differ significantly by DSF supplementation except shape index. Albumen content was found numerically higher (5.1%) in DSF supplemented groups. Egg production trait like hen-day egg production (HDEP) differed significantly (p<0.05) between different groups at all age groups examined (22, 40, 52 and 64 weeks of age) by DSF supplementation. The mineral profile of egg was markedly influenced by DSF supplementation at 10 and 20 gm/ bird/ day. It was concluded that DSF supplement has the potential to improve egg quality traits, egg production and egg mineral profile and seems to be a potential feed supplement in LIT bird HS for producing eggs with high Se, Ca, Fe, Mn, K, Cu and Mg content in confined scavenging system of rearing.
Pages: 141-149  |  418 Views  202 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Sunidhi Chauhan, Shivani Katoch, Varun Sankhyan, Krishnender dinesh, Arun Sharma, Daisy Rani. Biological evaluation of developed supplement feed (DSF) for egg quality parameters in LIT (Himsamridhi) birds. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):141-149. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2024.v13.i2c.25372

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