Analysis of the retention properties of teeth prepared for metalceramic crowns and bridges
Author(s): TA Palkov, AV Paliy, OV Ruzhytska and ES Leshchyk
Abstract: This article focuses on the retentive properties of teethprepared for metalceramic crowns and bridges. A total of 268 teeth prepared for metalceramic restorations were studied, as well as three- and two-dimensional images of 3D-scanned plaster models.
Results of the study: The minimal preparation cone was 4,5° and the maximum was 51,5°. In general, satisfactory tooth preparation was found in 31 out of 268 teeth or 11,56% of the total number of columns examined. The remaining 237 teeth (88,44%) were characterized by unsatisfactory preparation parameters.
Conclusion: In general, acceptable tooth preparation was found in 31 teeth out of 268, which is 11,56% of the total number of examined samples. The remaining 237 teeth (88,44%) were characterized by unsatisfactory preparation parameters.
TA Palkov, AV Paliy, OV Ruzhytska, ES Leshchyk. Analysis of the retention properties of teeth prepared for metalceramic crowns and bridges. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):107-111. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2024.v13.i2b.25370