Status and functioning of dairy cooperatives in Jorhat district of Assam, India: An economic analysis
T Saikia, P Baruah, S Borthakur, M Neog, PK Pathok and H Gogoi
The dairy sector is the most critical component of the livestock sector, employing more than eight crore farmers directly, and is the most prominent agrarian product. India is the largest milk producer in the world contributing 24 percent of the global milk production. In Assam total milk production is 982.02 tonnes in 2022. As on date there are 439 primary dairy cooperative societies in Assam. Present study was conducted at Jorhat district of Assam to analyse the functioning of Dairy Cooperatives in the district It was observed that majority of the Cooperatives are not well organized in Jorhat. Only three cooperatives i) Surobhi, Porbotia, Jorhat ii) Swarnodhenu, Falengichuk, Titabor and iii) Lachit, Lahdoigarh have their own infrastructures like own office or collection room and disposal milk parlours etc. Majority of the raw milk produced by the dairy cooperative societies of Jorhat district is supplied to Milk Union of Jorhat district at a rate of Rs. 45.00 per litre. Average per farm milk production was found to be 60 litres per day with an annual gross income of Rs. 12,85,000.00, annual expenditure of Rs. 8,77,600.00 and average net income of Rs. 73,400.00. The farmers could go for cultivation of high yielding and high nutrient containing fodders and go for silage making to fulfill the requirement during lean period which could not only reduce the farm expenditure but also could be an alternative income source.
How to cite this article:
T Saikia, P Baruah, S Borthakur, M Neog, PK Pathok, H Gogoi. Status and functioning of dairy cooperatives in Jorhat district of Assam, India: An economic analysis. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(2):84-87.