Effect of different preservatives on shelf life of cut tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)
M Muruganantham, R Devanathan, SaranKumar K, Balaaji VS, Yazhini R, Harini G, Hemalatha M, Shashank B, Poornima S, Lakshmi Narayanan R, ShathishBaabu G, Vinothagan S and Parthiban S
Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) is a perennial, bulbous flowering plant, belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae and is one of the most popular cut flowers grown in India and as well as worldwide. Improvement of keeping quality and extend of vase life of cut flowers are important areas in floricultural research. Senescence of cut flowers is induced by several factors e.g. water stress, carbohydrate depletion, microorganism etc. It has been reported that pulsing treatments prevents vascular infections and inhibit ethylene production and thereby result in prolong storage period and higher quality flowers with increased vase life. The study was conducted at Imayam Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Thuraiyur, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, and India. During the period July to August 2024 to find out suitable preservative(s) of vase solution that increases vase life of tuberose (CV. Single). Eleven treatments viz, T1=Control, T2=Sucrose 2.5%, T3=Sucrose 5%, T4=Citric acid 2.5%, T5=Citric acid 5%, T6=AgNO3 15ppm, T7=AgNO3 30ppm, T8=Sucrose 2.5% + Citric acid 2.5%, T9=Sucrose 2.5% + Citric acid 5%, T10=Sucrose 2.5% + AgNO3 15ppm and T11=Sucrose 5% + AgNO3 25ppm. Experimental results revealed that different preservatives solutions significantly affected the vase-life of tuberose flowers. The combination and concentration of Sucrose 2.5% and AgNO3 15ppm (T10) were found to most suitable preservative solution for extending the vase life of tuberose cut flowers.
How to cite this article:
M Muruganantham, R Devanathan, SaranKumar K, Balaaji VS, Yazhini R, Harini G, Hemalatha M, Shashank B, Poornima S, Lakshmi Narayanan R, ShathishBaabu G, Vinothagan S, Parthiban S. Effect of different preservatives on shelf life of cut tuberose (
Polianthes tuberosa L.). Pharma Innovation 2024;13(12):104-109. DOI: