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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Studies on performance of rose (Rosa spp.) under different growing condition Siddhi R Patil, Manoj J Patokar and Rutuja D Pawar Pages: 01-03 | 258 Views 147 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Multivariate analysis for diversity studies in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) Aishwarya M, Suresh BG and Vani Praveena M Pages: 04-10 | 134 Views 73 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Rupali under valley conditions of Dehradun Archana Kumari and RP Singh ‘Ratan’ Pages: 11-14 | 161 Views 95 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Green synthesized ZnO nanoparticles as nanocarriers for cinnamaldehyde and eugenol KA Deepika Roy, Shivaprasad Shivappa Desai, Padikkamannil Abishad, AK Ahalya, Rahul Krishnan, Valil Kunjukunju Vinod, Asha Karthikeyan, Kavitha Rajagopal, C Latha, Sukhadeo Baliram Barbuddhe, Deepak Bhiwa Rawool and Jess Vergis Pages: 15-17 | 159 Views 76 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Assessing the physiochemical quality attributes of various rice (Oryza sativa L) cultivars R Yuvarani and P Pravinkumar Pages: 18-22 | 144 Views 79 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Molecular identification and functional characterization of rhizosphere bacteria for growth and yield optimization of maize (Zea mays) Mohd Salman Khan and Mohammad Saghir Khan Pages: 23-33 | 221 Views 94 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Impact of low light stress on physiological contributing traits and biochemical parameter on early, medium and late rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) Amrit Kumar Nirala, VB Kuruwanshi and Snehal Gupta Pages: 34-40 | 136 Views 78 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Effect of phosphorous levels and different biofertilizers on growth and yield of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) under Patiala region Amanpreet Kaur, Amritpal Singh and Harpreet Kaur Pages: 41-46 | 141 Views 54 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Pharmacological studies of aqueous extract of Clerodendrum colebrookianum leaves with special reference to its CNS depression activities in Wister rats Snigdha Hazarika, Pritam Mohan, Himangshu Barua, Sanjib Khargharia, Ankit Das and Priyanka Konwar Pages: 47-51 | 117 Views 57 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | A case report of Ranikhet disease in a pigeon RV Ramanamurty Pages: 52-54 | 118 Views 57 Downloads | Country: India | India |