Abstract:The field investigation was carried out at Chilli and Vegetable Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra (India) during rabi season 2013-14 to find out suitable variety for better quality and maximum yield of radish under Akola conditions. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with seven treatments (varieties) of plant with three replications. From correlation study, it is reasonable that a great deal of success can be achieved in improvement of root yield per hectare by applying selection pressure on plant height (cm) at harvest, leaf area (cm2) at harvest, chlorophyll content at harvest (mg g-1), root diameter (cm), fresh weight of root (g), total fresh weight (g) of plant, root to shoot ratio, moisture content (%), ascorbic acid content (mg 100g-1) and total soluble solids (0 Brix) content as these traits had significant and positive correlation with root yield per hectare (tons). Also, path analysis revealed maximum positive direct effect on root yield through leaf area (cm2) at harvest, fresh weight of root and total fresh weight of plant.
Hence, Plant breeders can use above traits for improvement of root yield of radish and to find out the suitable variety with better yield and quality.