Integrated disease management modules against downy mildew disease in ridge gourd
Ganesh HS, Yenjerappa ST, Aswathanarayana DS, Mallikarjun Kengnal and Kapil Patil
In the present study the results on different Integrated disease management (IDM) modules revealed that, the module comprehend with one foliar application of Pseudomonas fluorescens (5 g/l) before the disease onset followed by one spray with Benalaxyl M 4% + Mancozeb 65% WP after the appearance of disease, one foliar application of Pseudomonas fluorescens (5 g/l) after seven days interval and sequential sprays with Amisulbrom 20% SC (0.75 ml) at 15 days interval significantly recorded the lowest disease severity (18.44 PDI) and highest fruit yield (20.52 t/ha) which contributed towards maximum B:C ratio of 3.71 in comparision with other modules. q
How to cite this article:
Ganesh HS, Yenjerappa ST, Aswathanarayana DS, Mallikarjun Kengnal, Kapil Patil. Integrated disease management modules against downy mildew disease in ridge gourd. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(10):48-52.