Study of egg production parameters of pure and crossbred Japanese quail strains
Santosh Marandi and Raj Narayan
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the egg production and quality traits of offsprings produced by a complete 4 x 4 diallel cross of Japanese quails. The experiment involved 4 strains namely, Cari-uttam (CU), Cari-ujjwal (CJ), Cari-shweta (CS) and Cari-pearl (CP). A total of 16 genetic groups viz. four purebreds (CU, CJ, CS and CP), six crossbreds (CUxCJ, CUxCS, CUxCP, CJxCS, CJxCP, CSxCP) and six reciprocals (CJxCU, CSxCU, CPxCU, CSxCJ, CPxCJ and CPxCS) were obtained from this cross. 40 Female laying birds from each group were transferred to individual laying cages at 5thwee k of age for further quantitative traits recording. Age at first egg was significantly lower in cross-breds (36.88±0.21) when compared with pure breds (37.53±0.33). Among four pure bred groups, CS had the highest egg production at 8th, 10th and 12th week but later at 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th week of age CJ had the highest egg production whereas CU had the highest average egg production of 6.48±0.11 at 12th week. Amongst the different crossbreds the egg production was highest in CUxCP, CSxCJ, CUxCJ, CUxCJ, CJxCU, CJxCU and CJxCS for 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th week of age respectively.
How to cite this article:
Santosh Marandi, Raj Narayan. Study of egg production parameters of pure and crossbred Japanese quail strains. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(1):103-107.