Profiling of proximates and mineral composition in horsegram genotypes (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam,) Verdc)
Anisa M Nimbal, Nandini B, Vijayakumar AG and Kumar CJ
Micronutrients are important growth promoting elements not only for crops but also for human being. More than two billion of the global populations are malnourished. For developing countries like India, micronutrient malnutrition among the people of every age is very common. Horse gram one of the important food legume is the cheapest sources of proteins, vitamins and micronutrients and can be supplied to the people through daily diet. In this connection profiling of the proximate composition and mineral contents in seeds of twenty two diverse horsegram genotypes was done at Seed Unit, UAS, Dharwad. A total of thirteen nutritional parameters were recorded across twenty two genotypes. The results revealed significant difference for different of proximate and mineral contents. Highest protein content of 20.19% and fibre content of 6.3% was observed. Iron (Fe) content in horse gram genotypes was found to be the highest (1183 ppm) than the rest of minerals viz., Zinc (197.1 ppm) and manganese content (127.3 ppm) among the genotypes indicating that horse gram is good sources of iron (Fe), zinc, potassium and calcium. Outcome of the study would be of wide interest to farmers and researchers working on nutraceutical including commercial exploration by exploring the nutraceutical properties of M. uniflorum.
How to cite this article:
Anisa M Nimbal, Nandini B, Vijayakumar AG, Kumar CJ. Profiling of proximates and mineral composition in horsegram genotypes (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam,) Verdc). Pharma Innovation 2024;13(1):99-102.