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Vol. 13, Issue 1 (2024)

Constraints and suggestions of arecanut growers during marketing of arecanut

Siddes, K Amaresh Kumar, D Shashikalabai and Manjunath
Arecanut is one of the most important plantation crop cultivated extensively in Malenadu and Aremalenadu regions of Karnataka. Arecanut (Areca catechu) belongs to the family Palmae. It is the source of common chewing nut, popularly known as Betel nut or Supari. The study was conducted in four major arecanut growing taluks of Chitradurga and Davanagere districts, viz., Holalkere, Chitradurga of Chitradurga district. Channagiri and Davanagere taluks of Davanagere district of Karnataka state purposively selected for the study by considering these taluks were highest arecanut growing areas during the year 2021-22, with the specific objective the constraints faced by the arecanut growers and their suggestions were sought in arecanut marketing. A total of 120 respondents were selected from twelve major arecanut growing villages. The data was collected with the help of a structured interview schedule and it was presented using the frequency and percentage technique. The findings of the study noticed that majority of the arecanut growers (81.66%) expressed that limited exposure to online marketing as the major constraint. Other constraints like limited procurement from the government (80.00%) and fluctuation in market price (76.66%). The other constraints expressed that illegal deduction while selling of arecanut (62.50%), lack of market information (15.83%), markets are far away (9.16%), high cost of transportation (8.33%), faulty system of weighment (7.50%) were the constraints of arecanut growers. With respect suggestions offered majority (81.66%) suggested that they need for awareness about on-line marketing. The government should implement relevant schemes for the appropriate marketing of arecanut (80.00%), organize a training programme on value addition and processing of arecanut (53.33%), refinement of arecanut dehusking machine (50.00%), and need for high yielding varieties (15.83%). In commodities like arecanut where production is concentrated in a few states and consumption spread all over the country, the system of marketing assumes great importance.
Pages: 91-93  |  496 Views  304 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Siddes, K Amaresh Kumar, D Shashikalabai, Manjunath. Constraints and suggestions of arecanut growers during marketing of arecanut. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(1):91-93.

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