Efficacy of phytoextracts against Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler causing leaf spot of Jatropha
Bhagyashali V Hudge, Bontha Rajasekar, Dr. Purnima Mishra and T Navya Swetha
The effect of nine leaf extracts and rhizome powder of turmeric on the mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata was tested. Out of ten plant species, leaf extract of Polyalthia longifolia (Ashoka) was significantly superior over other treatments which inhibited the mycelial growth upto 71.34 per cent over control after 8 days of incubation. All the plant extracts inhibited the growth of A. alternata over control at 10 days of incubation. The maximum inhibition was observed by Polyalthia longifolia (Ashoka) followed by Lawsonia inermis (Mehandi) and Curcuma longa (Turmeric).
How to cite this article:
Bhagyashali V Hudge, Bontha Rajasekar, Dr. Purnima Mishra, T Navya Swetha. Efficacy of phytoextracts against Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler causing leaf spot of Jatropha. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2707-2708.