Response of different varieties, planting density and sowing window on field crops: A review
Yasodha Devi Janni, Dhanshree Bharat Jadhav, Samudrala Madhu Sudhan and Pankaj Kumar
Sowing dates, varieties, and planting density are the most important factors for enhancing growth, maintaining the quality of the seed, improving soil health and increasing the yield of field crops. The length of the growing season can be directly impacted by different planting dates which affect different field crop varieties from the vegetative stage to till maturity stage. To reduce the effects of fast climate change, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and identify strategies that are suitable for different field crops. The most important elements of a cropping system are timely sowing and effective variety selection. Early sowing crops can receive sufficient solar radiation which leads to the tallest plants with more leaf area and high dry matter content due to the extended growing period grains will have more time to mature resulting in high grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, B:C ratio, gross return and net return. Sowing crops at the appropriate time using recommended hybrid varieties and planting them at low or high-density patterns required by the crops through improved agronomic techniques are the main reasons for higher productivity. Evaluating different maize varieties under different sowing dates provides a novel strategy for improving their productivity. The goal of the current study was to ascertain how different varieties, their planting densities, and sowing dates affect the growth, yield, quality, and economics of various field crops.
How to cite this article:
Yasodha Devi Janni, Dhanshree Bharat Jadhav, Samudrala Madhu Sudhan, Pankaj Kumar. Response of different varieties, planting density and sowing window on field crops: A review. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2624-2630.