Effect of INM and planting date on dry herbage yield and nutrient uptake of mint (Mentha arvensis L.)
Gayatri A, Dr. B Prasanna Kumar, Dr. SS Vijayapadma, Dr. L Naram Naidu, Dr. K Sasikala and Dr. K Uma Krishna
The present investigation entitled “Effect of INM and planting date on dry herbage yield and nutrient uptake of mint (Mentha arvensis L.) is carried out at COH, Parvathipuram, Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, during Summer season 2021. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with combinations of four planting dates (first fortnight of February, second fortnight of February, first fortnight of March and second fortnight of March) and four nutrient doses (Nl - 100% RDN, N2 - 75% RDN+ (12.5% FYM + 12.5% Vermicompost) + Rhizobium + PSB + KMB, N3 - 50% RDN + (25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost) + Rhizobium + PSB + KMB and N4 - 100% organic (50% FYM + 50% Vermicompost). The results revealed that the conjunctive use of organic, inorganic fertilizer along with biofertilizers increased the dry herbage yield and nutrient uptake of mint. Application of 75% RDN+ (12.5% FYM + 12.5% Vermicompost) + Rhizobium + PSB + KMB, registered the highest dry herbage yield (7.16 and 2.74 q ha-1) at first and final harvest and maximum uptake of nutrient at final harvest as N (21.13 kg ha-1), P (6.93 kg ha-1) and K (41.53 kg ha-1).
How to cite this article:
Gayatri A, Dr. B Prasanna Kumar, Dr. SS Vijayapadma, Dr. L Naram Naidu, Dr. K Sasikala, Dr. K Uma Krishna. Effect of INM and planting date on dry herbage yield and nutrient uptake of mint (Mentha arvensis L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2501-2505.