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Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2023)

Growth, yield and water productivity of hybrid safflower as influenced by scheduling of irrigation at critical stages

Parameshnaik C, G Somanagouda, SR Salakinkop and Ravihunje
An experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka during rabi, 2019-20 to study the growth, yield and water productivity of safflower as influenced by scheduling of irrigation at critical stages. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block design with 3replication. There were 9 treatments viz., T1-Irrigation at rosette stage (30-35 DAS), T2-Irrigation at flower initiation stage (70-75 DAS), T3-Irrigation at seed development stage (100 -105 DAS), T4-At rosette and flower initiation stage, T5-At rosette and seed development stage, T6-At flower initiation and seed development stage, T7-At rosette, flower initiation and seed development stages, T8-Rainfed (without irrigation) and T9 -Control A-1 variety (rainfed). The crop cvs. A-1 and NARI-NH1 was sown on Black clay soil. The results indicated that safflower no.of primary and secondary branches (15 and 24.27), and seed yield (1759 kg ha-1) and oil yield (530.4 kg ha-1) were significantly higher with scheduling of three irrigations at rosette + flower initiation + seed development stages as compared to control (1052 kg ha-1, oil yield 292.3 kg ha-1 respectively). Whereas root length (121.69 cm), root weight (84.05 g) and water productivity (8.92 kg m3) has recorded higher under rainfed condition. The extent of increase in yield was 40.19% under 3 irrigations, 33.41% yield increase under 2 irrigations and 27.44% yield increases under single irrigation scheduled at critical stage of the crop.
Pages: 2310-2314  |  589 Views  439 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Parameshnaik C, G Somanagouda, SR Salakinkop, Ravihunje. Growth, yield and water productivity of hybrid safflower as influenced by scheduling of irrigation at critical stages. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2310-2314.

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