Evaluation of pea genotypes for green pod yield under Chhattisgarh plains
Nandini Sarathi, Bhagwat Saran Asati, Jitendra Singh, Nitin Kumar Rastogi and Dikeshwar Nishad
The result reveled that the treatment T1 (IGP-1) was recorded significant maximum germination percentage (96.66%), plant height (164.58 cm), number of pods/cluster (1.95), number of flowers clusters/plant (25.88), 50% flowering (64.00 days), number of pods / plant (50.64), fresh pod weight/plant (130.61 gm), fresh pod yield (182.25 q/ha) and stover weight (5.01 gm) among the different pea genotypes. The maximum number of nodes/plant (22.93) and 1st flowering (55.50 days) was obtained in treatment T4 (IGP-4), whereas the seed diameter (39.43 mm), fresh 100 seed weight (39.43 gm) and dry 100 seed weight (23.65 gm) was highest recorded at treatment T7 (IGP-7). On the basis of present investigation treatment T1 (IGP-1) was found significantly superior for most of the growth and yield parameters.
How to cite this article:
Nandini Sarathi, Bhagwat Saran Asati, Jitendra Singh, Nitin Kumar Rastogi, Dikeshwar Nishad. Evaluation of pea genotypes for green pod yield under Chhattisgarh plains. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2301-2304.