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Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2023)

Calf management practices adopted by tribal dairy farmers of North Gujarat

DV Parmar, MP Nande, VK Patel and HV Patel
The present study was conducted in Banaskantha district of North Gujarat region of the Gujarat state. Three talukas were selected and five villages from each taluka were selected randomly. From each village 10 respondents were selected randomly those having at least two dairy animal (Cow/Buffalo). Results of this study revealed that, most of respondents were present at the time of calving and took care of the calf after birth. Nearly three forth respondents cleaned and trim the hoof of the calves soon after calving. None of the farmers practiced ligation/cutting with new blade and disinfection of the navel cord. Colostrum feeding to new born calves for their survival was adopted by 100 percent of the respondents but less than fifty respondents practiced within 1.5 hour of birth. Nearly one-third respondents bury the placenta into compost and rest buries it into the pit. All respondents didn’t follow weaning practice. No separate housing facility was provided to the calf and tie calf along with the dam. Only one third of the respondents provided calf starter. The study also revealed that majority cent respondents gave anthelmintic to the calves. High cost of feed, low producing animals, lack of knowledge and capitals were the main constraints faced by the tribal livestock owners of the district.
Pages: 2241-2245  |  270 Views  128 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
DV Parmar, MP Nande, VK Patel, HV Patel. Calf management practices adopted by tribal dairy farmers of North Gujarat. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2241-2245.

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