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Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2023)

Study of genetic variability in some elite rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm accessions

Ashish Kumar Banjare, Ravindra Kumar Verma, Rajeev Shrivastava, SB Verulker, Ravi R Saxena, Vipin Kumar Pandey, Vishal Kumar Gupta and Namita Singh
The experiment was conducted at research cum industrial farm Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Raipur during, Kharif season 2018 in Augmented Randomized Complete Block Design in three replication. The experimental materials, consisting of 120 rice germplasm with 5 check varieties. The objective of this work was to assess the magnitude of variability among genetic parameters. The genetic variability analysis in Rice for fourteen characters under study. The present study revealed sufficient genetic variability for various qualitative and quantitative traits. Thus, the various analysis carried out had shown wide variability among the rice germplasm for various traits. The wide range of variability observed for the traits evaluated may be attributed to the diverse genetic background of the accessions studied and these could be used for selection of the germplasm for development of new varieties. The results reported in present investigation indicating that the low level of environmental factors interruption in either expression of various traits or low genotypes sensitivity to environmental conditions and traits were highly governed by role of genetic control because very low difference between PCV and GCV. The traits generally resulted from the interaction between environmental and genetic components where the high heritability coupled with moderate genetic advance as percent of mean was recorded. Furthermore, it was found that the environmental factors do not play noticeable influences in the phenotypic expression. Thus, indicating selection based on these characters would be rewarding for yield improvement in Rice.
Pages: 2231-2235  |  351 Views  225 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Ashish Kumar Banjare, Ravindra Kumar Verma, Rajeev Shrivastava, SB Verulker, Ravi R Saxena, Vipin Kumar Pandey, Vishal Kumar Gupta, Namita Singh. Study of genetic variability in some elite rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm accessions. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2231-2235.

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