Constraints faced by potato growers in adoption of production technology and marketing of potato
KN Raval, JK Patel and KV Chaudhary
The study to know the constraints faced by potato growers as well as suggestions offered by them in adoption of production technology and marketing of potato was carried out in Aravalli district of Gujarat State. It was conducted through Ex-post Facto research design. Multistage sampling method was used for selection of respondents. Three taluka of Aravalli district viz., Modasa, Bayad and Dhansura were purposively selected for study due to having highest area and production of potato. Five villages from each of taluka was randomly selected. From each selected village, ten potato growers were selected randomly. Thus total 150 potato growers were selected for study. The data were collected through personal interview and then after it was compiled, tabulated and analyzed to get proper answer with the help of appropriate statistical tools. The major constraints faced by the potato growers in adoption of production technology were; high cost of fertilizer and pesticides, high cost of potato seed and high wages of labour. While for marketing of potato, major constraints faced by the potato growers were; low market price of potato at time of harvesting and fluctuation of price. The important suggestions offered by the potato growers for adoption of production technology were; Government agencies should provide subsidy for purchase of seed and inputs likes fertilizers and others should made be available in time with low cost, while for marketing of potato, important suggestions endorsed by the potato growers were; step should be taken by Government for fix minimum support price for the potato followed by the co-operative and banks should provide loan in time and convenient procedure.
How to cite this article:
KN Raval, JK Patel, KV Chaudhary. Constraints faced by potato growers in adoption of production technology and marketing of potato. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):2087-2089.