Multi-locational nursery disease spectra and their symptoms of Syzygium cumini (L.)
Balasaheb Kumbar and Suryanarayanav
Seedling diseases of Syzygium cumini pose a major threat in meeting demands of quality seedling stock for large scale plantation. To generate data on disease induced seedlings growth impairments, disease and pathogenic spectra and to develop effective management, the present investigations was done among three bioclimatic zones of Canara circle, two foliar diseases were recorded. Leaf spot was highest (incidence-56.27%, PDI-36.6%) in all nurseries and leaf blight was minimum and limited to few nurseries (incidence-25.80% PDI-10.27%) and hilly zone ranked first. Disease symptoms were identified in different zones of nurseries in Canara circle.
How to cite this article:
Balasaheb Kumbar, Suryanarayanav. Multi-locational nursery disease spectra and their symptoms of Syzygium cumini (L.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1760-1763.