Flowering behavior and flower morphology of kokum (Garcinia indica Choisy) under Konkan agroclimatic conditions
MS Shedge, Dr. PM Haldankar, Dr. Ahammed Shabeer TP, Dr. CD Pawar, Dr. MC Kasture and VV Dalvi
The study on “Flowering behavior and flower morphology of kokum (Garcinia indica Choisy) under Konkan agro-climatic conditions” was carried out at college of Horticulture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) during the year 2020-21 and 2021- 2022. For the present study, thirty-two kokum trees of full bearing stage (ten trees from each district and two released varieties viz., Konkan Amruta and Konkan Hatis) were selected randomly from three districts viz; Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri and Raigad of the Konkan region of Maharashtra. The experiment was laid out in randomized Block Design with thirty two treatments viz. T1 (Accession 1) to T32 (Accession 32) with single tree with three replications. The result indicated that the flower bud initiation was started from first week of October to third week of November and flowering started from first week of November to third week of December. The kokum accessions namely T6, T7, T16 and T21 were started earlier flowering in both the years as compared to other accessions. With regards to flower morphology, all the parameters were significantly varied i.e., flower length, flower breadth, pedicel length, number of staminodes, number of pistil lobes, pistil length and pistil breadth among the thirty two kokum accessions under study. The accessions T22 showed significantly the highest flower length (0.79 cm), flower breadth (0.81 cm), pistil length (0.40 cm), and pistil breadth (0.35 cm),while pedicel lengthin T25 (0.25 cm), number of pistil lobes in T1 (8.64) and number of staminoides in T27 (14.38) except pedicel length and number of staminodes.
How to cite this article:
MS Shedge, Dr. PM Haldankar, Dr. Ahammed Shabeer TP, Dr. CD Pawar, Dr. MC Kasture, VV Dalvi. Flowering behavior and flower morphology of kokum (Garcinia indica Choisy) under Konkan agroclimatic conditions. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1550-1554.