Abstract:A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2018 at Central Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj, (U.P.). The soil of experimental plot was sandy loam in texture, nearly neutral in soil reaction (pH 6.7), low in organic carbon (0.35%), available N (230 kg ha-1), available P (20 kg ha-1) and available K (189 kg ha-1). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with factorial concept. There were 13 treatments including 12 treatment combinations including three levels of phosphorus, two spacing and two organics and one control.
Result show that higher dose of phosphorus recorded significantly higher yield parameters viz., plant pods per plant (28.14), grains per pod (4.57) and Test weight (27.54 g). Wider spacing recorded significantly higher yield parameters viz pod per plant (4.60), grains per pod (4.60), seed yield (14.52 g plant-1) and test weight (27.54 g). 1 t ha-1. Vermicompost recorded significantly higher yield parameters viz., plant height (49.26 cm), total dry matter at harvest (19.15 g plant-1), pods per plant (28.14), grains per pod (4.57),and Test weight (27.54) and due to significantly higher harvest index (7.89%).
The moth bean produced significantly higher seed yield (324.50 kg ha-1) due to higher level of phosphorus (P1 50 kg ha-1). The spacing of 45 cm x 10 cm recorded significantly higher seed yield (326.44 kg ha-1) compared to 30 cm x 15 cm (322.06 kg ha-1). Application of 1 t ha-1vermicompost produced significantly higher seed yield (348.28 kg ha-1) compared to 2.5 t ha-1 FYM (300.22 kg ha-1).
In Uttar Pradesh (Prayagraj), cultivation of moth bean with phosphorus dose of 50 kh ha at a spacing of 45cm x 10cm with application of 1 t ha vermicompost produce significantly higher seed yield (386.67 kg/ha), net return (Rs.7170.33 ha) and a better B:C ratio (1.42).