Effect of roasting on functional and sensory parameters of jackfruit seed flour
Sreejaya U, Krishnaja U, Suma Divakar, Pratheesh P Gopinath, P Nisha and Beela GK
Jackfruit is widely cultivated in India, after the consumption of the edible portion, the seeds rich in nutrients are discarded as waste. The study was aimed at investigating the functional and sensory qualities of the roasted jackfruit seed flour. The jackfruit seeds of the varikka and koozha cultivar were gelatinized and roasted to produce the jackfruit seed flour. Functional quality analysis showed that the results of both varikka roasted jackfruit seed flour and koozha roasted jackfruit seed flour were on par. Varikka roasted jackfruit seed flour and koozha roasted jackfruit seed flour showed 47.0%, 44.6%, yield ratio, 0.34%, 0.32%, rehydration ratio, 0.86%, 0.76% solubility index, 238.0%, 240.03%, water absorption capacity and 3.20 g/g, 2.95g/g respectively swelling power. The sensory parameters of the varikka and koozha jackfruit seed flour incorporated milk sample indicated that the samples were not significantly different based on all sensory attributes. The sample drink made using roasted jackfruit seed flour yielded good sensory score. The results show that roasted jackfruit seed flour can be used in formulations as a major ingredient in developing novel food products.
How to cite this article:
Sreejaya U, Krishnaja U, Suma Divakar, Pratheesh P Gopinath, P Nisha, Beela GK. Effect of roasting on functional and sensory parameters of jackfruit seed flour. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1405-1408.