Studies on morphological and cultural characteristics of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. causing leaf blight of sapota
VD Kadlag, RA Karande and KB Landage
During morphological studies it was revealed that, mycelium of C. gloeosporioides was septate, branched, hyaline, becoming gray in colour in the later phase. Conidiophores were simple hyaline, short, non-septate and closely packed together in rows Conidia were hyaline, single celled, thin walled, oval to oblong, often contained with 1-2 oil globules at the centre. Whereas in cultural studies it was revealed that, Richard's medium supported the most abundant growth and the best sporulation as compare to rest of the medias.
How to cite this article:
VD Kadlag, RA Karande, KB Landage. Studies on morphological and cultural characteristics of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. causing leaf blight of sapota. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1384-1387.