Red rice (Oryza longistaminata): Functional and nutritional properties and their utilization in the development of the value-added extruded product
Srushti Patel and Sury Pratap Singh
Extrusion is high-shear, high-temperature processing. Most starch-based mixtures that are used to manufacture extruded snacks are typically high in carbs but deficient in other necessary ingredients. Consumers are now more and more interested in eating healthy meals. Pasta and baked goods are examples of products made from grain that is regarded as basic foods for human dietary needs. Utilizing whole grains in extruded foods is a very appealing way to create nutritious breakfast cereals. But wheat possesses the characteristics of gluten. It is less healthy because of this characteristic. Additionally, even among those who do not have celiac disease but prefer to lead a gluten-free diet, gluten-free foods have become more and more common in new recipes for cereal-based meals. Therefore, making extruded products healthful in addition to red rice flour is a very good option. Red rice is well known for having a high level of antioxidants because of the bioactive compounds found in the bran layers, such as phenolics and anthocyanins. In addition, the amylose, protein, fat, ash, water, and total phenolic content (TPC) of the rice flour as well as its pasting properties were assessed. The nutritional profiles, phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, technological characteristics, and colour characteristics of red rice flours and the extrudates that correspond to them were assessed in this study.
How to cite this article:
Srushti Patel, Sury Pratap Singh. Red rice (Oryza longistaminata): Functional and nutritional properties and their utilization in the development of the value-added extruded product. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):686-692.