Present status of application of aquaculture inputs in the state of Assam, India
Sonmoina Bhuyan, Pranjal Bezborah and Aradhana Borthakur
The study was carried out in Central Brahmaputra valley of Assam during 2020-2022 through survey method with an aim to document the aquaculture inputs use by the progressive farmers and fish breeders in the locality. Altogether 402 respondents were interviewed covering 381 numbers of fish farmers and fish breeders and 21 numbers of input dealers under the study. Random sampling technique was followed after identification of fish farming pockets in consultation with Department of Fisheries for the study. The study classified aquaculture inputs in to four broad groups namely, a) Water and soil quality management inputs comprising lime, zeolites, water sanitizers, fertilizer and probiotics b) Feed, feed supplements and growth promoters including vitamin and mineral mixtures c) Hormones for induce breeding and d) Medicines including Anti-parasitic drugs, antibiotics and other chemicals like ichthyotoxin, toxin binders etc. for apparent documentation of inputs. The study revealed that there were 25 varieties of water and soil management inputs, 6 varieties of fish hormones, 18 varieties of feed supplements and growth promoters and 21 varieties of fish medicine and chemicals available in markets of the study area.
How to cite this article:
Sonmoina Bhuyan, Pranjal Bezborah, Aradhana Borthakur. Present status of application of aquaculture inputs in the state of Assam, India. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):1214-1217.