Combining ability and gene action studies for grain yield and component traits in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.)
NP Ingle, SV Pawar, HT Patil, RM Naik, GC Shinde, CS Thakre and CA Nimbalkar
An experiment was conducted with 46 treatments consisting of 36 hybrids which were developed through 9 x 9 diallel mating design along with nine inbreds and one standard check, viz., Phule Aadishakti. The hybrids, parents and standard check were evaluated during Kharif- 2019 for ten characters. Analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that the mean sum of squares due to GCA and SCA were highly significant for all the characters. However, σ2gca/ σ2sca ratio was less than unity for all the characters except for grain Fe and Zn content, suggesting predominance of non-additive gene effects. Among all nine inbreds, DHLBI- 181138 was good general combiner for grain yield and had significant GCA effects for seven other characters. The inbreds, DHLBI-1708 and DHLBI-181181 were also found good general combiners along with high per se performance for most of the characters which should be further utilized in breeding programme for developing high yielding and early maturing varieties. The hybrid DHLBI-1708 x DHLBI-18963 evinced highly significant SCA effects for grain yield per plant followed by DHLBI-1708 x DHLBI-181138 and DHLBI-181181 x DHLBI-181138. They produced desirably significant SCA effect for most of the traits studied, indicating potential for exploiting hybrid vigour in breeding programme.
How to cite this article:
NP Ingle, SV Pawar, HT Patil, RM Naik, GC Shinde, CS Thakre, CA Nimbalkar. Combining ability and gene action studies for grain yield and component traits in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.). Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):869-873.