Outbreak investigation and molecular confirmation of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Karnataka state
Sanjeeva Kumar M Topan, Shivaraj B Murag, Shivashankar BP, Nandini P, Gowthami CN, K Sripad and Venkatesha MD
Abstract:Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically important WAHO/OIE notifiable transboundary disease of cattle and buffaloes, caused by lumpy skin disease virus, a member of the
Capri poxvirus genus in the Poxviridae family. The disease is transmitted by arthropod vectors and causes high morbidity and low mortality in infected animals. The susceptible hosts contract the virus mechanically from blood sucking insect vectors and other hematophagous arthropods. Lumpy skin disease was first reported in India during 2019 among cattle in Odisha state. Lumpy skin disease is manifested by distinguishing firm, circumscribed, few to multiple skin nodules or lumps. Present study describes lumpy skin disease outbreak investigations undertaken by the authors in the last two years and molecular confirmation of LSD outbreaks.
Epidemiological and demographic data was collected from the farmer vis-à-vis local Vet during the investigation visit. Affected animals were clinically examined for the signs of the disease and representative clinical samples were collected for laboratory analysis. DNA was isolated from clinical samples and subjected for polymerase chain reaction assay with specific primers targeting conserved gene of lumpy skin disease virus. PCR products resolved on agarose gel yielded a single amplicon of 192 bp confirming specific amplification. LSD positive PCR products were commercially sequenced. Homogeneity analysis of sequence data using BLAST revealed 91.9% match with the lumpy skin disease virus sequences available in the NCBI database. Phylogenetic tree construction of sequences revealed sequence identity to LSDV isolates from Odisha and Bangladesh hence, confirming LSDV infection among affected animals.
How to cite this article:
Sanjeeva Kumar M Topan, Shivaraj B Murag, Shivashankar BP, Nandini P, Gowthami CN, K Sripad, Venkatesha MD. Outbreak investigation and molecular confirmation of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Karnataka state. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):766-772.