Chlorophyceae seaweed diversity along Sikka Coast, Gulf of Kachcha, Gujarat
Satyendra Katara, Ashish Bhatt, Siddharth Jatav, Arun Kumar, Bhavika Tandel and Ram Kumar Kurmi
The present study was on study of species diversity and abundance of chlorophyceae group of seaweed available at Sikka coast, Gujarat, India. During the study period a total of 16 green seaweed species were recorded from both the sites of Sikka coast i.e GSFC Jetty site and Vador site. These 16 species belongs to 4 orders, 6 family and 7 genus. Ulva flexuasa was highly dominant followed by Cladophora and Ulva lactuca. The frequency percentage values ranged from 0.00-66.67. The density ranged between 0.00-60.00. The highest percentage of density was shown by Cladophora glomerata during the month of February 2021. The abundance value ranged from 0.00-6.05. The highest abundance was show by Ulva flexuosa (6.05) during the month of December 2020.
How to cite this article:
Satyendra Katara, Ashish Bhatt, Siddharth Jatav, Arun Kumar, Bhavika Tandel, Ram Kumar Kurmi. Chlorophyceae seaweed diversity along Sikka Coast, Gulf of Kachcha, Gujarat. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):482-488.