Quality evaluation of chicken meat balls incorporated with hydrated soya chunks
Sahitya Rani M, Sneha Priya S and Shashi Kumar M
A study was undertaken to determine the effect of incorporation of hydrated soya chunks in Chicken meat balls. Standardized recipe containing Chicken lean meat (85%), vegetable oil (15%) was considered as control. Hydrated soya chunks were incorporated replacing lean meat in chicken meat balls at 5% (T1), 10% (T2) and 15% (T3) levels. The meat balls were evaluated for physicochemical and organoleptic quality. The results revealed that there was significant difference (p>0.05) in pH, emulsion stability and cooking yield. The emulsion pH and cooked product pH was observed to be significantly higher in T3 whereas emulsion stability was significantly lower in T3. Significantly higher cooking yield was found in T3. A 7-point hedonic scale was used to evaluate the sensory characteristics (appearance, flavour, texture and overall acceptance) of the products using a semi-trained taste panel. The scores for appearance, flavour, texture, Juiciness and overall acceptability were found to be significantly (p>0.05) higher in T2 group than Control, T1 and T3 groups. Though the soya chunks at 15% inclusion level showed superior physicochemical properties, they had lower sensory scores, hence the inclusion of hydrated soya chunks at 10% level was considered as optimum and economical for development of protein rich meat products.
How to cite this article:
Sahitya Rani M, Sneha Priya S, Shashi Kumar M. Quality evaluation of chicken meat balls incorporated with hydrated soya chunks. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):431-433.