Phytochemical screening of Co (On) 5 and Co (On) 6 Aggregatum onion by GCMS
Geethanjali S, Jeyaprakash P, Masilamani P, Nithya Devi A and Aravindarajan STM
Onion is one of the most important vegetable crops, mainly grown in the southern part of Tamil Nadu, India. It contains many phytonutrients which contribute to the significant nutritional values of human health. The phytochemical screening was conducted with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University released varieties viz., Co (On) 5 and Co (On) 6. GCMS analysis concluded the elution of many beneficial compounds, for instance, squalene, triterpenoid acting as a cholesterol lowering agent, eluted in both the varieties at 26.4 min. Similarly many other important phytonutrients identified in the same onion varieties are ascorbic acid, saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids and so on. The phytochemical screening provides the preliminary information’s on metabolites present in the Co (On) 5 and Co (On) 6 onion varieties of Tamil Nadu.
How to cite this article:
Geethanjali S, Jeyaprakash P, Masilamani P, Nithya Devi A, Aravindarajan STM. Phytochemical screening of Co (On) 5 and Co (On) 6 Aggregatum onion by GCMS. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(4):348-351.