Evaluation of different seed health testing methods for detection of seed borne leaf spot causing organism in safflower
Snehal S Zanjare, AV Suryawanshi, SR Zanjare and AP Karjule
Safflower is as an important rabi oilseed crop and the diseases are taking heavy toll of the productivity. The seed borne organisms not only reduce the quality but also have an effect on germination. In view of these, understanding of seed borne mycoflora responsible for leaf spot disease, their detection, and management are important. The present investigation on different seed health testing was undertaken during 2020-21 at Department of Plant Pathology, Post Graduate Institute, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. Among the six different methods employed for detection of seed borne fungal infections, Standard blotter test with untreated seeds was found effective for detection of overall pathogens which shows the highest incidence of seed mycoflora i.e. (12.00%) followed by modified PDA method (9.83%). While for detection of leaf spot causing seed borne, A. carthami and A.alternata the modified PDA method was found effective which detect 46.66% and 19.33% respectively followed by Standard blotter method (34.32% and 20.33%).
How to cite this article:
Snehal S Zanjare, AV Suryawanshi, SR Zanjare, AP Karjule. Evaluation of different seed health testing methods for detection of seed borne leaf spot causing organism in safflower. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5757-5760.