Response of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) varieties as influenced by nutrient management on harvest index and economics in Central alluvial tract of Uttar Pradesh
Rahul Ranjan, Raghvendra Singh, Aneeta Yadav, Nivedita Rajput and Gajraj Yadav
A field experiment was carried out on mungbean at Farm of Rama University, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur during kharif 2022. The soil of the experimental field may be characterized as sandy loam in texture. The treatment comprising four varieties of mungbean viz. C1: PDM-139, C2: IPM 2-3, C3: Meha, C4: IPM 2-14. Four levels of nutrient management viz. N0: Control, N1: 10 kg N + 20 kg P2O5 + 12.5 kg ZnSO4.H2O ha-1+ seed treated with rhizobium culture + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 in soil, N2: 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 +25 kg ZnSO4.H2O ha-1 and N3: 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 + 25 kg ZnSO4.H2O ha-1 + seed treated with rhizobium culture + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 in soil with 3 replication in factorial RBD. Based on the results of the field experimentation it can be inferred that potential seed yield and economic nutrient management can be achieved in greengram by application of 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 + 25 kg ZnSO4.H2O ha-1 + seed treated with rhizobium culture + PSB @ 2.5 kg ha-1 in soil in kharif of greengram in Central alluvial soils of Uttar Pradesh
How to cite this article:
Rahul Ranjan, Raghvendra Singh, Aneeta Yadav, Nivedita Rajput, Gajraj Yadav. Response of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) varieties as influenced by nutrient management on harvest index and economics in Central alluvial tract of Uttar Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5888-5890.