Biochemical and biomarker alterations in bacterial lower urinary tract infection (BLUTI) in geriatric dogs
Jupaka Shashank, K Satish Kumar, VVV Amruth Kumar, B Anil Kumar and M Lakshman
The present study was carried out to investigate the biochemical and biomarker changes in bacterial lower urinary tract infection (BLUTI) of geriatric dogs. Out of 620 geriatric dogs that were brought to the outpatient ward of VCC, CVSc., Rajendranagar, 184 dogs were showing the clinical signs indicative of bacterial lower urinary tract infection, such as haematuria, pollakiuria, stranguria, dysuria, periuria, abdominal pain, foul smelling urine, depression, loss of appetite, anuria and fever. Blood samples were collected from the study group animals for the estimation of various biochemical and biomarker parameters. Dogs affected with BLUTI had slightly elevated mean values of creatinine (1.54±0.16 mg/dl) and BUN (24.32±0.47 mg/dl). Hypoproteinaemia (4.58±0.29 g/dl) and hypoalbuminaemia (2.21±0.24 g/dl) were significant (p<0.05) whereas, ALT (40.18±1.10 IU/L), glucose (104.68 ±1.48 mg/dl) and SDMA (8.23±0.14 µg/dl) were within the reference range. Significant (p<0.05) elevation in the mean values of C-reactive protein (47.2±4.6 mg/L) were noticed when compared to apparently healthy adult dogs. Though all these dogs were diagnosed for bacterial lower urinary tract infections, slight but non-significant elevation of serum creatinine and BUN evalutions a careful and periodical monitoring of geriatric dogs to prevent clinical outcome of organ specific infections.
How to cite this article:
Jupaka Shashank, K Satish Kumar, VVV Amruth Kumar, B Anil Kumar, M Lakshman. Biochemical and biomarker alterations in bacterial lower urinary tract infection (BLUTI) in geriatric dogs. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5714-5716.