Effect of dates of transplanting on little leaf of brinjal
Pratik A Shinde, Sunita J Magar and Nitin N Godase
Brinjal or eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) belongs to the family Solanaceae which contains 75 genera and over 2000 species. Phytoplasmal little leaf disease is commonly encountered disease symptoms were leaf curling or cupping, reduced leaf size, reduced the petiole length, proliferation of auxiliary shoots, flowers malformed into leaf like structures (phyllody), yellowing and stunted plants growth and death of little leaf infected brinjal plants. The economical important capable of causing yield losses up to 40 percent. Present investigation carried out in Kharif, 2018 for management of brinjal little leaf disease under field condition. Brinjal little leaf phytoplasmal disease has been emerging as a threat to brinjal cultivation in Marathwada region of the state of Maharashtra. Insect vector, Hishimonus phycitis (leaf hopper) transmit this disease. Hence, to manage this disease by adjustment of brinjal transplanting dates should be followed. Result on management of brinjal little leaf disease indicated that, the crop transplanted late after 05th August was found to be suffered less with leaf hoppers, phytoplasmal little leaf disease with high economical fruit yield than transplanted earlier i.e., on 6th July and 16th July. Correlation between leaf hopper population and phytoplasma disease incidence was positively significant. Also, the correlation between leaf hopper and temperature was positively significant.
How to cite this article:
Pratik A Shinde, Sunita J Magar, Nitin N Godase. Effect of dates of transplanting on little leaf of brinjal. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5641-5647.