Efficacy of insecticides and biopesticides against white grub, Phyllognathus dionysius (Fabricius) infesting sugarcane in western Maharashtra
GB More, UB Hole, AS Bagde, SV Nalawade and SS Patil
An experiment entitled “Efficacy of insecticides and biopesticides against white grub Phyllognathus Dionysius (Fabricius) infesting Sugarcane in Western Maharashtra.” was conducted at research field of Department of Agricultural Entomology, Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon, Satara (MH) during Suru 2021-22. A field experiment comprised of six insecticides and three bio-pesticides tested over untreated control against white grub in sugarcane. The results showed that treatment with soil drenching of fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% WG @ 300 g ha-1 was found to be most effective treatment for control of white grub followed by clothiandin 50 WDG @ 240 g ha-1, chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 500 ml ha-1 and M. anisopliae @ 5 Kg ha-1.
How to cite this article:
GB More, UB Hole, AS Bagde, SV Nalawade, SS Patil. Efficacy of insecticides and biopesticides against white grub, Phyllognathus dionysius (Fabricius) infesting sugarcane in western Maharashtra. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(3):5551-5555.